For help managing any type of pain, contact our office today to schedule an appointment with a pain specialist. We are dedicated to helping you find relief from any type of acute or chronic pain condition so that you can quickly return to living a pain free and comfortable lifestyle. When searching for pain relief, turn to medical professionals who have extensive experience and continued education when it comes to dealing with common pain issues.
What Do Pain Specialists Do For Patients?
When you deal with extensive pain, stress, and constant fatigue throughout the day, it is vital that you strive to protect your body and give it the treatment that it needs. Heading to a pain specialist can be exactly what you need to get the right program and system that will better improve your body. We can help get you on the right treatment plan that will get you up and running as soon as possible. Utilizing both invasive and non-invasive methods, pain specialists can help you overcome the pain to live normally and pain-free.
What Do Pain Specialists Do?
Pain specialists focus primarily on overcoming chronic pain. Unlike acute pain, which is typically short lived, chronic pain can last longer in the body. Oftentimes, there is pain in the body with no evidence of an injury, and it is during these experiences where it becomes obvious that the only solution is to seek a specialist who can help you overcome the pain. Those dealing with chronic pain may be dealing with neck pain, migraines, shingles, cancer related pain, and arthritis. This eventually requires that you get a pain specialist, especially if the pain persists.
- Providing Treatment – It all begins with the consultation of your current health situation. Is your body in need of a specific treatment? Your pain specialist can provide a wide array of treatments, whether it’s massage therapy or neurology. We can help ensure that patients are given the right treatment to get their body back to normal. We understand the pain you are going through, and can dissect what it is that your body needs to live and function normally and without pain.
- Recommend A Lifestyle Plan – Your pain specialist will also make sure you know what to do outside of the office. We will provide a plan that can help guide you as best as possible. There are specific things you can do to further improve your health and reduce the pain. Your daily habits all add up. You may need to get active, eat healthier, and start changing the habits you do daily that can be hindering your body and increasing the pain. Our doctors will work with you to help you discover what you can do every day from now on to further decrease any pain you’re dealing with.
Types Of Pain Management
There are a wide variety of pain management techniques. Many require different forms of treatment. It’s all about finding what works for you and what is most recommended for you regarding your chronic pain.
- Non-Invasive Physical Therapy – Physical therapy usually involves proper stretching, correct movement, and quick massages to get the painful areas moving. Getting the blood to start flowing and moving around can help make the entire body feel better. Physical therapy and any form of massage is the easiest and safest way to overcome the pain, and using other treatments should be secondary if pain persists.
- Pain Management Medication – This is another method that many patients may need to use in order to overcome the pain. Pain specialists always recommend providing you with only effective and safe pharmacological material that cannot hurt or damage your health. Pain management medication might be your best option if you cannot handle the pain and other non-invasive options like physical therapy isn’t working out so well.
- Minimally Invasive Procedures – Minimally invasive techniques may involve things like injections that can potentially help stop the pain. As these treatments get more advanced, it becomes safer to take advantage of this type of treatment. Approaches like injections work by providing the most efficient medication into the area of the pain. We also offer many different minimally invasive surgical procedures, such as spinal fusion, which can help relieve pain.
Can You Experience Being Pain-Free Right Away?
The quickness in which you experience relief depends on your specific type of pain and the treatment methods that are used. Some causes of pain can be treated with an approach that provides immediate relief, while others require more consistent follow through in order to experience results. If you follow the advice of your pain doctor, you should be able to experience relief as soon as possible.
It is certainly possible to be free from pain with the right approach, but it requires you to be patient with the diagnostic process and with the treatment plan that is provided by your pain specialist.
Working with a pain specialist will open up doors to help guide your body and help you to achieve a sense of relief when it comes to being healthy and free from discomfort. You can easily overcome the pain associated with typical chronic pain. We will work closely with you in order to find out what is needed and tailor each treatment plan to the individual patient rather than assuming that what worked for one patient will work for another.
Contact our office today to find out what to expect from a consultation and how your pain specialist will be able to help you. We can answer any questions that you might have about our diagnostics process or about our treatment options. In general, you can expect to answer questions about your medical history and about your pain, such as when it first started and which activities make it worse. This information, combined with diagnostic testing, can help give us a full picture of what you are dealing with so that we can quickly work with you to find a treatment options.